By: Stella Cheung
At Valentine Elementary 3rd graders participated in the Bike Safety Rodeo on August 26th. The students spent some time of their school day learning about their bikes, and safety. They listened and learned about the informative talk with the San Marino Police department about bike signals, and rode around obstacles around Valentine made by the physical education teacher Wes Gonzales. They even had their speed checked with a radar by the San Marino Police Department. It was a fun and productive morning for the Valentine students. Recently, because of the heat which hit 103, it's been burning hot. It's been dangerous because of the heat wave in the recent week. Because of the heat there have been fires and much water has been used to take it out. Outdoor activities have been going on in school, activities such as physical education classes, after school sports like tennis, football, soccer, cross country involve sometimes being outdoors. It could be dangerous because of the heat, symptoms of heat exhaustion are dizziness, thirst, heavy sweating, nausea, weakness, in some cases heat exhaustion can cause a heat stroke. Bike safety is important because there are many students who bike to school. Students should look at both sides of the road to check if a car is coming, when crossing a narrow way or crowded place students should walk their bike to refrain from hurting themselves or hurting other people. If riding with a less experienced friend make sure they're in front of you to check up on them instead of leaving them in the back for they could fall, get shaky and scared to bike and get left behind. Students should also wear long sleeves if not too hot to refrain from getting hurt when they fall off their bike. Bike safety is very important especially for students.